I am excited that Nevada Fall Mist is also included in Yosemite Renaissance XXIX! The opening is February 28, 2014 at Yosemite Museum Gallery in Yosemite National Park. The show runs from March 1 through May 11, 2014 and travels to other galleries after that. Continue reading “Nevada Fall Mist”
Tag: silk organza
Silk and Angelina Fiber
The straight fused piecing I talked about last time is fused and quilted, but not quite finished. After buying silk organza, silk gauze, and silk crepeline, I chose not to use any of them because they took the tones down too far. I thought the crepeline would work because it is the most transparent (also very expensive!), but it has a distracting sheen that was too much for an overlay on the whole piece. All this silk and what to do with it? Continue reading “Silk and Angelina Fiber”